Appendix F

Requirements of Approved Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL).

For information about Appendix F, per the permit, see page 19 section 2.2.1 of the NHMS4GP.

“Approved TMDLs” for discharges from the permittee’s MS4 are those that have been approved by EPA as of the issuance date of this permit.

For those TMDLs that specify a wasteload allocation or other requirements either individually or categorically for the MS4 discharge, the permittee shall comply with the applicable requirements of Appendix F. Appendix F identifies, by section, the provisions and schedules the permittee shall comply with to be consistent with the terms of the approved TMDL.

The “TMDL for 158 Acid Impaired Ponds and 21 Aluminum Impaired Lakes” and the “Northeast Regional Mercury TMDL” do not specify wasteload allocations or other requirements either individually or categorically for the MS4 discharges and specify that load reductions are to be achieved through reduction in atmospheric deposition sources. View Appendix F - Requirements of Approved Total Maximum Daily Loads.


Bacteria TMDL Requirements

Pet Waste and Septic Systems (Appendix F Section II.1.a.i)

Part 2.3.3. Public Education: The permittee shall replace its Residential program with an annual message encouraging the proper management of pet waste, including noting any existing ordinances where appropriate, at a minimum. The permittee or its agents shall disseminate educational materials to dog owners at the time of issuance or renewal of a dog license, or other appropriate time. Education materials shall describe the detrimental impacts of improper management of pet waste, requirements for waste collection and disposal, and penalties for non-compliance. The permittee shall also provide information to owners of septic systems about proper maintenance in any catchment that discharges to a water body impaired for bacteria or pathogens.

MCM #1 Outreach and Education Resources  

Catchment Sampling and Investigations (Appendix F Section II.1.a.i)

Part 2.3.4 Illicit Discharge: The permittee shall implement the illicit discharge program required by this permit. Catchments draining to any waterbody impaired for bacteria or pathogens shall be designated either Problem Catchments or HIGH priority in implementation of the IDDE program.

MCM #3 IDDE Resources  

Chloride TMDL Requirements

Appendix F Section I.1

The permittee shall develop a Chloride Reduction Plan that includes specific actions designed to achieve chloride reduction on municipal roads and facilities, and on private facilities that drain to the MS4. The Chloride Reduction Plan shall be completed within one (1) year of the effective date of the permit and shall include, at a minimum: See Appendix F Sections Section I.1 for a list of specific requirements.

Chloride Reduction Plan Resources  

Appendix F Section I.1.a.i

Tracking of the amount of salt applied to all municipally owned and maintained surfaces and reporting of salt use using the UNH Technology Transfer Center online tool or the Annual Salt Usage Report Form (contact Tom Swenson or Deb Loiselle for information) beginning in the year 2 annual report.

Appendix F Section I.1.a.ii

Training for municipal staff and/or contractors engaged in winter maintenance activities

Winter Maintenance Training Options  

Municipally Maintained Surfaces (Appendix F Section I.1.a)

For a list of requirements for municipally maintained surfaces see Appendix F Section I.1.a.

Winter Maintenance Resources  

Privately Maintained Facilities That Drain to the MS4 (Appendix F Section I.1.b)

i. Identification of private parking lots with 10 or more parking spaces draining to the MS4;
ii. Requirements for private parking lot owners and operators and private street owners and operators (1) that any commercial salt applicators used for applications of salt to their parking lots or streets be trained and certified in accordance with Env-Wq 2203, and (2) to report annual salt usage within the municipal boundaries using the UNH Technology Transfer Center online tool, report salt usage directly to the permittee, or use the Annual Salt Usage Report Form (contact Aubrey Voelker for information), in which case this information should be reported on the permittees annual report.
iii. Requirements for new development and redevelopment to minimize salt usage, and to track and report amounts used using the UNH Technology Transfer Center online tool.

Phosphorus TMDL Requirements

Lake Phosphorus Control Plan (Appendix F Section III.1.b.ii)
Lake Phosphorus Control Plan (Appendix F Section III.1.b.ii)
  • Funding source assessment. See Appendix F Section III.1.b.ii for additional information.
Lake Phosphorus Control Plan (Appendix F Section III.1.b.ii)
  • Calculate Baseline Phosphorus, Allowable Phosphorus Load and Phosphorus Reduction Requirement. See Appendix F Section III.1.b.ii for additional information.
  • Define LPCP scope (LPCP Area). See Appendix F Section III.1.b.ii for additional information.
Lake Phosphorus Control Plan (Appendix F Section III.1.b.ii)

Written Lake Phosphorus Control Plan Template

Lake Phosphorus Control Plan Workshop Recording from August 21st, 2023 

Written Lake Phosphorus Control Plan Template Resources:

For permittee-specific Lake Phosphorus Control Plan resources, see the permittee-specific resources page.

Lake Phosphorus Control Plan (Appendix F Section III.1.b.ii)

    • Full implementation of nonstructural controls. See Appendix F Section III.1.b.ii for additional information.
    • Performance Evaluation. See Appendix F Section III.1.b.ii for additional information.

Permittee-specific Appendix F Resources

Find LPCP spreadsheets on our Permittee-Specific Resources page.